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Andy (Anders) Binau 

B. 2004 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Resides in Celebration, Florida, USA


Published Work

Author of The Super Dog Zam - My Doggy Dairy (2013)


Co-author of Super Dog Zam Grief Series: 2015 - 2020:


-    Super Dog Zam ages 3-5: A helping paw for

grieving children

-    Super Dog Zam ages 6-8: a helping pal f

or grieving children

-    Super Dog Zam ages 9-12: A companion

for grieving children

The books are also available in Spanish and Italian.

Co-author of ICAN -

A Grief Workbook for Teenagers (August. 2021)

Susan Binau with son, Author Andy Binau.

Andy Binau is a young philanthropist, published author, high school student & musician

IAndy Binau.jpg

Andy has been a public speaker and co-facilitator of grief workshops.

He has traveled around the world with his mother, author Susan Binau.

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